How to Solve VAS 5054A Software ODIS VW ODIS 4.3.3 Error ODS9004E

ODIS 4.3.3 is the latest software for VAS 5054A and VAS 6154 VAg diagnostic tool.ODIS VW ODIS 4.3.3 support online programming with dealer account.Some ODIS 4.3.3 users got the problem when using Bellow is the solution of VAS 5054A Software ODIS VW ODIS 4.3.3 Error ODS9004E.


Notice: offer you 4 in 1 ODIS  VW 4.3.3 with ODIS Engineering 8.13 with ETKA 8 Elsawin 6.0 In One 320G HDD

Support offline and online programming, fit with any laotp and can ready to use


4 in 1 ODIS 4.3.3 with ODIS Engineering 8.13 with ETKA 8 Elsawin 6.0 In One 320G HDD

ODIS VW ODIS 4.3.3 Error message:

odis 4.3.3 error ods9004e

Infrastructure VW online connection. Mirror server 2: cannot connect to mirror server 2.




Solutions: (credits to kmaverick and sunaj )


Run program as ADMIN!
You DON’T need a username and password… but you must point the program to a valid and correct path to your locally stored database.


Check in Program Files\ODIS Service xyz\log for ENGINE.LOG
Might Program Files x86, use brain to locate file

Check if green file exists….
An exception occurred while downloading feature from “file:/C:/ODIS%20DATA/ODIS-Service_update_4_3_3-EU_20180626_YGHLY/Odis/Trade-Retail/software/update/features/odis.main.service_51.0.10.jar”

Your path could be too long, so change to short path like C:\PostSetup\ODIS\Trade-Retail with correct folder structure!


Then try a copy of these two main files odis.main.service_51.0.10.jar and 51.0.20:

And also install 540 fine and 550 is only a small update mainly Bentley


Seems the local copy of odis.main.service_51.0.10.jar was good, now it upacks ok

With ODIS, if you do a clean install then get errors like pp had with 550 and missing file(s) but now you have a database loaded, update to 550 with no problems now… go figure!


ODIS is working finally

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More detail about ODIS VW VAS 5054A software ,pls connect
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